B l o g ~ B l o g

Things I am up to

Pikachu in a hard cat drilling the ground. Under construction
Pikachu in a hard cat drilling the ground. Under construction

Learning Svelte, so new site aditions are in the works. Gifs from textfiles.org

error too many redirects

eddyeddyeddy.world is broken

Eddy Eddy Eddy - E3

I go on a way around town while showing off some of the audio recording I have been making. check out more music from our band at eddyeddyeddy.world

p5 Sketchs

I have been working on a several projects and not posting updates. Lame, bummer I know I know. But here is a p5 sketchs as a mini programming jam. Hypno Belts Click anywhere to toggle fullscreen and move the mouse horizontally to change the speed and direction.

An orange yarn bracelet


Hacking my clothes to better suit what I want. - June 5th 2017

Today at the beach I needed shorts but I have not owned a pair in several years. So I decided to take the plung and make my own shorts as quickly and thirfty as possible. I often carry a pair of scizzors with me, so I cut off the lower halfs of my old jeans to make new shorts. This worked well and I am happy with how they turned out.

Tonight I also played with the idea of making a bracelet.

I drew some sketchs for ideas of electronic bead - type modules that you can wire together to make a functional bracelet. That idea is a bit in the future so I seattled for using a yarn scrap I had and wrapping it around my wrist to make a bracelet. This one will fall off on its own or will need to be cut off when the wearer gets bored.

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Ecola Panos

Glitchy Panoramas on June 3rd 2017

I enjoy playing with panaramas and glitching them out. Someday maybe this will be automated for me.

Picture of people with some glitching Picture of people with some glitching Picture of people with some glitching Picture of people with some glitching Picture of people with some glitching Picture of people with some glitching

Autoplay audio - A recording of us durring the panaroma photographing

A little todo of future improvements to this post

[x] - Do a BlogPost

[ ] - Make a mini Galary

[ ] - Arrows to change photos

[ ] - Do a Panorama Viewer Project Page

[ ] - Add Light Box

[ ] - Make it - Fullpage not 2/3 - Larger Photos?

[ ] - On mouseOver start to play audio

Mini-update July 2017

* * * * * * oh man I don't think these are gonna get done i any time soon* * * * *

P.S. the glitched out text is from when I searched for the the library of babel on google and by some error the text got spit out instead of the result.

⏃△Metronome Ideas△⏅✆


Here I tried to make some music with a metronome and an echo effect. I was able to make some pleasent sounds that I liked, the most important thing that came out of this was the idea to make an instrument with several metronomes that you can controll precisely and they output a midi note / trigger to play sound devices.

Picture of doodles describing how metronome will trigger sound devices Picture of doodles describing how metronome will trigger sound devices
A synthasizer in a tin can

Hebocon - Dorkbot


Hebocon was a blast. I arrived not prepared for the event, and promptly found out that there is a build time before the event for putting together a robot the day of. I was super into that and pompty jumped on board. I found things around ^H to use as meterials to build. Big thanks to Bill for bring some spare motors and battery parts for people to use. I worked on the bot for nearly 2.5 hours and half way through Gary joined in to help. The main issue we had to over come was the big wheel axel would not stick to the moter. This caused the wheels to slip. Gary thought of a good solution to it by using friction from jamming thin metal rods in between the axel and motor. That worked great and together we finished the bot with no time to spare. We dubbed it Popcorn-Bot after one of the materials Gary wimsically used to create padding pads for supporting the heavy battery on top of the motor. In the end our bot ended up winning. Woohoo.

    Parts used
  • Window Motor
  • 9v battery
  • blue ink pen
  • black ink pen
  • 3d printed ball barring
  • scrap wood sticks
  • duck tape
  • masking tape
  • 4 got glue sticks
  • popcorn
  • sharpie
  • cardboard

Big thanks to my partner in bot creation Gary, Bill for bring the parts and sparking ideas, Brian for hosting the whole event and making things run smoothly and control H for the awesome environment.